Event Joint LIFE CarbonCounts and EJP SOIL Webinar

A roadmap for carbon farming - getting locally organised in Flanders (Belgium) and abroad
Webinar scope and invited speakers
During this webinar we discuss how to get locally organised to successfully scale up carbon farming in compliance with the EU proposal for a Carbon Removal Certification Regulation. In the webinar, ILVO and the policy Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of Flanders will elaborate on the results of the LIFE CarbonCounts project that, on the one hand, worked on a geodata platform and, on the other hand, conducted a system analysis and developed a roadmap with new stepping stones for scaling up carbon farming in Flanders based on extensive interactions with stakeholders.
These outcomes will be compared with examples from the Netherlands, France, Finland, Italy and the Road4Schemes project, which will provide inspiring insights from abroad on how to get organized regionally to enable carbon farming. Invited speakers are
- Wytze van der Gaast (the Netherlands) – Climate policy advisor at JIN Climate and Sustainability, presenting Stichting Nationale Koolstofmarkt
- Lanckriet Edouard (France) – Agrosolutions, presenting Label Bas Carbone
- Lucia Perugini (Italy) – Euro‑Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and member of the Expert group on carbon removals, presenting LIFE C-Farms project
- Kaj Granholm (Finland) – Baltic Sea Action Group, presenting Carbon Action collaboration platform
- Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe (Denmark) – Aarhus University, coordinator of EJP SOIL Road4Schemes project
The speakers and the partners in the LIFE CarbonCounts project will reflect on similarities and differences between regional carbon farming approaches and exchange on lessons learned and ways to proceed.
This webinar is organized by the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), the policy Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of Flanders (Belgium), EJP Soil WP8 and the EJP SOIL Road4Schemes project.