Onderzoeksproject Digitale tools voor agroforestry
Digital Tools to help Agroforestry meet climate, biodiversity and farming sustainability goals: linking field and cloud

INRAE Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alementation et l'environnement, Cranfield University, EURAF, Hellenic Agroforestry Network, Magyar Permakultura Egyesület (MPE), Latvijas Meza Ipasnieku Biedriba (LFOA), Agroforestry Sverige (AfS), Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug P/S, reNATURE, ACTA- Association de Coordination Technique Agricole, GRAB, ITEIPMAI, CIRAD - La Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement, CZU, DeFAF, EFI, European Landowners Organization, Erdyn, ICRAF, Louis Bolk Instituut, MVARC, Regen Farmer Aps, Sinergise, Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Santa Anna (SSSA), Universidad de Extremadura, Ugent - Fac. Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen, Vukoz, Veneto, Savanna Institute, La Coop Carbonne, Agroscope Rechenholz