Sector | Plant production Arable farming

“What can ILVO do for farmers?” The answer is here: a brief overview of relevant expertise, analyses, infrastructure, and the professional approach that characterizes ILVO. You can contact the Plant and Soil Living Lab for specific services and questions regarding collaboration.

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What does ILVO do?

How does ILVO work?

Your point of contact: the Plant Living Lab

The Plant Living Lab at ILVO aims to respond to the needs and questions of the agro-food sector. They focus on sustainable, innovative technologies to optimize crop efficiency and at the same time, reduce the environmental impact. The extensive expertise and infrastructure and a wide stakeholder network make a high-quality, strong, multidisciplinary approach to this research possible.

Your ILVO guarantee

  • Scientifically-based solutions
  • Individual and/or co-creative guidance for innovation trajectories
  • Confidential treatment of your question
  • Clear and easy-to-interpret results that are applicable to day-to-day operations
  • Technological support for various farm processes

Specialized research infrastructure

  • > 200 ha trial fields and an extensive range of rolling field trial machinery
  • Vehicles and machinery for trials on location
  • Permanent outside services for comparative variety research
  • Modern farm machinery and infrastructure for precision agriculture
  • 50 ha organic trial fields and an agro-ecological trial platform
  • > 15.000m² greenhouse infrastructure and climate chambers for research, including for quarantine organisms
  • 'Rainout shelters' for research on drought stress in plants
  • Belgian and EU reference labs for plant pests and pathogens: the Diagnostic Centre for Plants
  • An accredited lab for soil, substrate and plant analyses
  • An accredited lab for spray technology

All ILVO expertises at your service

ILVO works in an interdisciplinary fashion and has a network of living labs that work closely together. A problem or question is therefore examined from many different angles by ILVO experts from different disciplines. This is guaranteed by ILVO's broad and systematic approach, together with the typical openness of the ILVO culture.

See also


Franco-Belgian Agrifood Summit: Agri Tech day

ILVO Plant 39: Caritasstraat 39 Melle
Banner Agrifood Tech Summit

The French Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, in collaboration with Belgian research institutes and French institutions, is organizing and insp...