Sector | Livestock farming Poultry and rabbit farming

Poultry and rabbit farmers, their customers, and their suppliers will find here the answer to “what can ILVO do for me?”. You’ll get a brief overview of relevant expertise, analyses, infrastructure, and the professional approach that characterizes ILVO. You can contact the Poultry Information Center for specific services and questions regarding co-creation opportunities.

Go to Poultry Information Center (NL)

What does ILVO do?

How does ILVO work?

ILVO aims to support all stakeholders in Flemish poultry and rabbit farming, from the poultry and rabbit farmers, the supplying and processing industry, the distribution chain, to research and educational institutions, government authorities, consumers, and citizens with the above palette of expertise and a modern research infrastructure.

Contemporary challenges are handled by experienced professionals. Together with the other parties involved in the chain, they work on customized solutions.

Your point of contact: the Poultry Information Center (in Dutch)

The Poultry Information Center (Pluimveeloket) is the ideal point of contact for all questions on poultry and rabbit farming. The answer is always objective, independent, and scientifically substantiated. The Poultry Information Center keeps you informed of the latest research results and sector info by participating in study days and information sessions, as well as through publications in the trade press, an up-to-date online knowledge center (NL), a website, and a quarterly (free) newsletter(in Dutch).

Last, the Poultry Information Center is happy to listen to your concerns, to translate them into concrete research questions, and to bring the necessary partners to the table.

Your ILVO guarantee

  • Scientifically-based solutions
  • Individual and/or co-creative guidance for innovation trajectories
  • Confidential treatment of your question
  • Clear and easy-to-interpret results that are applicable to day-to-day operations
  • Technological support for various farm processes
  • Specialised analyses in the Animal Marin Laboratory (ANIMALAB)

Specialized research infrastructure

  • Several houses for broiler chicks, with enough room for a total of 7,200 broiler chicks.
  • Laying hen house with room for approximately 1,100 layers (in enriched cages).
  • A broiler house that can be adapted to house 720 turkeys.
  • 2 mobile chicken houses large enough for 220 (organic) layers or (organic) broilers.
  • 120 units for digestion studies
  • Group housing for rabbits: 112 does and weaner kits
  • On-site feed mill to manufacture trial feeds (including pelleting)

All ILVO expertises at your service

ILVO works in an interdisciplinary fashion and has a network of living labs that work closely together. A problem or question is therefore examined from many different angles by ILVO experts from different disciplines. This is guaranteed by ILVO's broad and systematic approach, together with the typical openness of the ILVO culture.

See also

Project news 06/09/2024

How to curb ammonia emissions in poultry and swine?

Broiler chicken house
One year after the start of the Interreg Flanders-Netherlands project RAMBO, the project partners take stock. The first tests have started or have just been completed. According to the initial finding...
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