Sector | Plant production Arable farming

“What can ILVO do for farmers?” The answer is here: a brief overview of relevant expertise, analyses, infrastructure, and the professional approach that characterizes ILVO. You can contact the Plant and Soil Living Lab for specific services and questions regarding collaboration.

Go to Plant and Soil Living Lab
Contact day

EJP Soil final conference

Past Brussels Belpaire building

The contribution of EJP SOIL at the science to policy interface.


Franco-Belgian Agrifood Summit

ILVO-Plant - Caritasstraat 39, 9090 Melle
Frano-Belgian Agrifood Summit 2024

The French Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, in collaboration with Belgian research institutes and French institutions, is organizing and insp...

Contact day

IPM Conference 2024

Past Herman Teirlinck building, Havenlaan 88, Brussels

Holistic IPM: Reducing Pesticide Use

Contact day

Climapolder congress

Past Brugge

The Province of West-Flanders, the West-Flemish Waterboards and ILVO are pleased to announce the CLIMAPOLDER congress. We want to connect Eu...