Lab analyses for plants, soil and substrate

The BELAC-accredited physico-chemical lab for mineral soils, potting soil, soil improvers and crops performs chemical analyses on plant material, mineral soils, potting soil and soil improvers.

The lab is also certified by Flanders Government for soil analyses as set out in the fertilizer regulations.

Reports for soil analyses in the framework of the fertilizer decree meet the legal requirements. The other reports meet the requirements set out in ISO 17025.


Plant: roughage and energy crops

Moisture, dry matter, ash, raw protein, nitrogen, raw cellulose, cell wall components, NDF, ADF, ADL.

See the list of analyses.

Plant: maize

Starch, moisture, dry matter, raw protein, nitrogen, raw cellulose, digestibility of cellulase organic matter, macro-elements.

See the list of analyses.

Plant: grass, grass-clover

Moisture, dry matter, raw protein, N, raw cell matter, digestibility of cellulase organic matter, water-soluble sugars, macro-elements.

See the list of analyses.

Plant: roughage
Digestibility of cellulase organic matter, digestibility of cell walls, water-soluble sugars, macro-elements.

See the list of analyses.

Plant: chicory

Glucose and fructose, total sugars, degree of polymerization, macro-elements.

See the list of analyses.

Mineral soil

Nitrate-N and ammonia N, organic carbon, pH-KCI

See the list of analyses.

Substrate and compost

Includes dry matter, organic matter, EC, total N, pH-H20, NO3, NH4. Extra analyses available on 10L samples only: pf-curve, moisture content, organic matter content, suction, and others.

See the list of analyses.

How do you deliver a sample?

  • Potting soil: For a chemical routine analysis on potting soil, a 0.5L sample will suffice. For a physical analysis on potting soil, minimum 10L is needed. Use a closed plastic bag when bringing in the sample.
  • Soil: When sampling soil, take at least 15 samples of the top 20-30 cm of the soil. First mix this material thoroughly, then take about 0.5 kg from this and put it in a closed plastic bag.
  • Plants: For plant samples, bring at least 50 g. of dried and mixed (1 mm sieve) sample.

Your ILVO guarantee

  • Scientifically-based solutions
  • Individual and/or co-creative guidance for innovation trajectories
  • Confidential treatment of your question
  • Clear and easy-to-interpret results that are applicable to day-to-day operations
  • Technological support for various farm processes

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