Aquaculture at sea
...e as a function of pharmaceutical and biotechnological processing, and mariculture as a function of nature restoration. Mariculture for food and feed In the past, a few attempts wer...
...e as a function of pharmaceutical and biotechnological processing, and mariculture as a function of nature restoration. Mariculture for food and feed In the past, a few attempts wer...
...ngly important in Flemish agriculture. This includes activities such as farm tourism, landscape and nature management, home processing, and the sale of farm products. Agroforestry offers opportunit...
... is often possible to distinguish subsystems that are related to each other within large systems. Nature, a society, an ecosystem, the human body, a business or organization, and a family can all b...
Linked Sectors: Nature conservation
...ns often revolve around the agricultural sector when it is dry. This is because agriculture, like nature, is very vulnerable when there is not enough water. How can the agricultural sector do b...
...orage by plants and the soil, and a loss of biodiversity. Desealing provides more space for nature and food production, less flooding, cooler cities, greater biodiversity, healthier air and...
...kly.Drought-resistant grass Less drought-resistant grass In nature, drought resistance in nature is often linked to lower productivity There are countless possibilities for a plant to a...
...rmation of particulate matter and ozone. In addition, these substances have a fertilizing effect on nature, affecting nitrogen-sensitive habitats. Nitrogen pollution also contributes to climate cha...
...'s control, such as relief and soil texture. In turn, the shape and size of the plots determine the nature and size of the inflow area. Together, these factors determine how much erosion can run of...
...phosphorus leaching. Compost. This one is a mix of farmyard manure, green waste from nature management, and wood chipsCrop choice Through a targeted crop choice and/or crop rotation, th... sea)Renewable energy production (wind farms)DredgingExtraction of sandShipping trafficProtected natureRecreation and tourism The Marine Spatial Plan 2020-2026 provides an overview of the various...
Linked Sectors: Nature conservation
...ged grasslands. Populations of animal and plant species tied to agricultural land - so-called "farm nature" - have declined sharply or disappeared due to the disappearance of these semi-natural ele...
The SUSANA project aims to develop a long-term strategy for the sustainable use of marine sand in so-called NBSs or nature-based solutions
Nature conservation and restoration
...ty and negative ecological impact. Therefore natural alternatives are being tested, which work with nature instead of against it.
Through ecological, biological and experimental research, ILVO searches for nature-inspired methods for coastal protection.
... on a list of principles about healthy processes and relationships between people, agriculture, and nature. More agroecology is obtained through context-dependent efforts to improve the entire syst...
... Organic residues such as crop residues and grass clippings come from agriculture, horticulture and nature reserves. These can be used for soil improvement through various techniques and processes....
Labels on food products tell you about the nature and origin of a product, the ingredients used and possibly even the processing methods. But is this information correct? Various laboratories in Europ...
...e same time takes into account the diverse land uses within the polder. After all, agricultural and nature-oriented land can often be found close to each other, each with their own water needs....
Overview of the planned interventions on the 5 plots of grassland Public review of draft nature management plan runs through mid-May Of the 240 hectares of East Flanders agricultural plots on whic...
Creating and implementing a nature management plan: a learning process Of the more than 200 ha of agricultural plots on which ILVO conducts scientific agricultural trials, 4.8 ha are in a SPA. The...
ILVO and RBINS-OD nature also want to investigate whether the waste can be linked to human activities such as tourism, industry or fishing. In addition, each type of waste will study whether the quant...
Linked Sectors: Nature conservation
Linked Sectors: Nature conservation
Linked Sectors: Nature conservation
Linked Sectors: Nature conservation
...ll. ILVO, one of the lead partners in IoF2020, coordinates two use cases: one on tracking cows in nature areas together with Sensolus (BE) and Inagro (BE); and one on the optimization of pig farm m...
... seen when the leek is being cleaned; usually the leek is unsaleable as a result. Due to the recent nature of this pest (observed for the first time on experimental fields in 2012), there is curren...
...ter storage. This knowledge is bundled in a "batch passport", a set of key figures that defines the nature and storage life of a batch of potatoes. We build up knowledge on climate control by using...
...aper data collection for fisheries research. The researchers are convinced that the co-creative nature of this development, and the combined scientific and practical expertise, greatly increases th...
...he structure of food systems holistically toward sustainability. Re-connecting refers to people and nature, to encourage sustainable behavior while shortening feedbacks and improving well-being. Re...
...evance/ValorizationOutput includes organization of workshops and preparation of fact sheets for nature and landscape managers, farmers and nature guides. An overarching seminar will be organize...
... research project of the European Joint Programme EJP SOIL. More specifically we want to assess the nature (quality), and the dose of the applied organic matter inputs, how (application method), wh...
...and companies form a network. The actors involved are the authorities VMM (water), VLM (land), ANB (nature and forest), department OMGEVING (environment, climate & spatial planning), the water ...
...the Green Deal and thus producing safe, nutritious and high-quality food with a minimum impact on nature, as well as addressing citizens’ concerns about the welfare of farm animals. Financing