Precision fishing
...ulture, precision technology and high-tech applications are becoming more and more commonplace. The fishing industry is going through the same evolution: hardware, software and apps are being devel...
Fishing gear innovation
...ulture, precision technology and high-tech applications are becoming more and more commonplace. The fishing industry is going through the same evolution: hardware, software and apps are being devel...
Fishing gear innovation
Where do Belgian commercial fishermen fish? What species do they catch and how much? What is the state of fish stocks in those places, and how exactly is that calculated? When can we speak of a sustai...
...(Cydalima perspectalis) in Flanders' (link to PURE), funded by the Flemish Fund for Agriculture and Fisheries of Department of Agriculture & Fisheries. ILVO and the Proefcentrum voor Sierteelt ...
...d sampling of a foreshore replenishment area in Ameland, the Netherlands. ILVO sampled and analyzed fish and epibenthos - invertebrates living on the seabed - in the impact zone and a reference are...
...en sustainable soil management.ILVO works together with the Department of Agriculture & Fisheries to open up soil data via a soil passport. Healthy soil as part of the system Th...
...igital droplet PCR (ddPCR) has numerous applications for, among others, determining the identity of fish, GMO detection and quantification. This PCR-based technology has specific advantages in term...
Determination species/variety (plants, meat, fish, shellfish, crustaceans, fungi, bacteria) based on DNA, proteins and other macro molecules
...ulture and aquaculture - in which seawater is used to grow food - is still great. We often think of fish, mussels, oysters and shrimp, but seaweed and microalgae can also be cultivated in salt wate...
...s or simply because it tastes good.For conventional animal protein sources such as dairy, meat, fish or eggs, we rely on age-old nutritional wisdom and many decades of study. Alternative protei...
...occasionally spotted here (e.g. certain species of whales, sea turtles, etc.). Among vertebrates, fish and birds are the most common. However, the largest group consists of invertebrates, which liv...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
EveryFish aims to develop technologies and strategies for fully automated monitoring and control of fishing activities
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
How does recreational fishing in Belgium evolve from year to year?
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
How do fish stocks evolve from year to year for a number of commercial fish species that are important for the Belgian fisheries?
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
Which indicators can we use to determine the impact of professional bottom trawling fisheries on the seabed?
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
The VISTools II project focused on (1) the improvement en expansion of the VISTools systeem, (2) analysing the feasibility of upscaling the system to other fishing vessels and ...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
The ECOSCOPE project aims at improved fisheries management that balances a healthy marine ecosystem with sustainable fisheries.
Shipowners, fishers, fishmongers, and the parties involved in the fishing industry policy will find an answer to the question “what can ILVO do for me?” here. You’ll get a brief overview of relevant e...
... the farming of animals and plants at sea - in Flanders. After all, Flemings are major consumers of fish and seafood. Belgium imports 290,000 tons of fish and seafood every year to meet this demand...
... but it is intensively used. There are wind farms, dredging activities, sand mining and, of course, fishing, to name a few. Marine spatial planners try to coordinate these activities, taking into a...
Tools for the fishery
Marine ecosystems consist of ecosystem components (fish, benthos, mammals) that interact in a complex and dynamic way. Models of marine ecosystems are analytic reflections of these ecosystem interacti...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
The EFMZV-FIVA project Sea(A)Bass is aimed at optimizing the management of sea bass, a fish species that has been struggling for years. ILVO has been tagging sea bass since 2006, and uses the data on ...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
This report assesses the environmental impact of the Albanian fishing fleet, which is evaluated with regard to biodiversity, status of commercial stocks, bottom impact, pollution and marine litter. Th...
Fisheries Impact Assessment Albania - ILVO mededeling 283
...ological and ecosystem data with the objective to provide biological advice for the European Common Fisheries Policy. The focus is on the Belgian fisheries and its fished species and areas. In addi...
How healthy are 'our' fish stocks in 2023? What is sustainable and where do we stand? First the good news. Overfishing in the Atlantic region is declining. This is confirmed by the 2022 report...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
... of the Sea (ICES): VLAM GeoFish 2021, ILVO
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
SubjectDetailContact personTechnical tests for fishing methodsTechnically skilled, sea-going partners are available to perform the required expert measurements. This allows for the registration and an...
In recent years, the Belgian fishing industry has made great strides toward more innovative and sustainable fishing. For example, 38 of the 59 active Belgian vessels are already equipped with the data...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
Belgian fishermen catch more than 50 types of fish and crustaceans in as many as 10 different fishing areas. The status of each of these species in each marine area is evaluated annually. The ILVO exp...
© Vince Bevan | GIFS Interreg project ILVO and VLIZ, together with local actors in Flanders fisheries, are entering into a close collaboration in the framework of the 'Brexit Adjustment Reserve' ...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
The annual Fisheries Science Seminar, organised by the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) will take place on 25 September 2024. This year's seminar will focus on the pote...
Full programme
The recreational fishery sector on our coast has been mapped for the first time. Research carried out by both Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisherie...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
A certain reservation in society exists regarding 'electric fishing'. Stories of alleged biological impacts on certain marine species can be found in several countries. ILVO-Ghent University Dr. Marie...
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
"Our fishermen vouch for quality fish from the decks of their boats right to our plate. Together with our partners, we give sustainability great importance. Sustainability in terms of fishing, but als...
Scientific background report in preparation of fisheries measures to protect the bottom integrity and the different habitats within the Belgian part of the North Sea - August 2021
Linked Sectors: Fishing industry
...nference. The aim of WEFTA is to be an important platform in Europe for institutions engaged in fish processing, applied food science, aquaculture, seafood technology, health effects of seafood...