Biological fishery data

ILVO has years of experience in collecting both biological and ecosystem data with the objective to provide biological advice for the European Common Fisheries Policy. The focus is on the Belgian fisheries and its fished species and areas. In addition, attention is paid to the impact on both quota and non-quota fish species by using alternative fishing techniques. The following information is available, among others: data about the fleet capacity, the landings and discards of fish, the catch composition, fishery-independent data from surveys with research vessels, economic data with regard to fleets, aquaculture and the fish processing industry and biological data (length, weight, age, etc) of caught fish, shellfish and crustaceans. On the basis of these data, stock estimates and catch predictions are carried out on any stocks that may be or are of economic importance to the Belgian fisheries sector.

Below you will find an overview of services that use or collect biological fishery data.

> Contact: Els Torreele


Stock Assessments and Policy Advice

At the request of ICES (International Council for Exploration of the Sea), the European Commission and other clients, Belgium contributes to the status assessment of the fish stocks that are the most important to our country. These include plaice, sole, cod, whiting, hake, turbot and brill. Belgium supplies information to the ICES working groups along with the other European countries. These data originate from the sampling programmes of landings and discards. Some of the tasks of this group are to carry out preparatory work for the working groups, such as making an analysis of basic monitoring data (market sampling, surveys and catch statistics), as well as making assessments of a number of stocks before the start of the working group.

Fish Market Sampling and Surveys at Sea

In keeping with a statistically justified sampling schedule, sea-going observers register and analyse the catches (landings & discards) on board commercial fishing vessels. Parameters registered are numbers, weight, length frequency, age and maturity.
Determining the Age of a Fish
The correct determination of a the age of a fish, is of vital importance for biological research, since contemporary population models use age-at-catch data.
Determining Fish Species and Giving Advice for an Accurate Commercial DenominationAt the request of companies, organisations and private individuals, a team of experienced scientists can determine the correct name of landed and imported fish species.

Uw ILVO garantie

  • Wetenschappelijk onderbouwde oplossingen
  • Individuele en/of co-creatieve begeleiding van innovatietrajecten
  • Vertrouwelijke behandeling van uw vraag
  • Duidelijk interpreteerbare resultaten bruikbaar in de dagelijkse praktijk
  • Technologische ondersteuning in diverse bedrijfsprocessen

Transparency regarding animal trials

In order to increase the transparency of the animal experiments carried out, ILVO, together with the "European Animal Research Association" (EARA) and 23 other Belgian public and private research institutions, drew up and signed the "Statement in support of animal research in Belgium and a transparent approach" in April 2016.

> More info

> See also the list of marine related analyses

> See also the list of co-creation in fisheries

> See also the list of co-creation in aquaculture

> Back to (marine) nature conservation