Research project Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production

General introduction
This project focuses on a more responsible use of antibiotics in animal production systems, in particular on how to efficiently steer and manage this transition in order to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance. ROADMAP examines the social, economic and institutional aspects of animal health in general and antibiotic use in particular. The adjustments in the broader management of animal health are our aim, so that all avoidable and careless use of antibiotics will cease.
Research approach
The first phase is the diagnostic phase. Here we map out the influence of social, institutional and economic factors using a wide range of methods such as focus groups, surveys, in-depth interviews and comparative analysis. This phase flows into a solutions phase, in which solutions are developed in a highly participative manner using living labs, and are implemented and tested on a small scale. In the final phase, we examine the broad impact of these solutions, and roadmaps are drawn up for implementation.
Antibiotic resistance is a real and significant threat to both animal and human health. Better (and less frequent and intense) use of antibiotics at the sectoral level is essential to curb the risk of resistance. The potential solutions are strong, according to the researchers, because they are developed in co-creation with stakeholders. In the project, we plan to disseminate the results in different ways: from good practice guides, to videos, to trainings. When implementing the results, we also integrate the experience, tools and networks built up in another (previous) research project, namely DISARM.
EU Horizon2020