Research project Welfare Improving monitoring Solutions for cHickens

Complete WISH
broiler chickens

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General introduction

Can we use AI and machine learning to improve both the productivity and welfare of broiler chickens? This research question is answered in the WISH project. The researchers are aiming for a combination of sensor technology and machine learning that can characterize the behavior of chickens and perform health and productivity analyses. In addition, work is being done on barn design with adjustable lighting and resting locations, which are tailored to real-time behavioral data of the chickens.

Research approach

A marketable, modular system-based toolbox of sensors and interpretation possibilities is the final goal, which will be further developed for two commercial activities:

1. Lab chickens. This toolbox contains a high-end, full-spectrum combination of sensors and algorithms targeting clinical research organization and feed additives, including developers of food additives or veterinary drugs and developers of welfare/productivity systems. This toolbox provides continuous and objective behavioral information, which can replace manual evaluations during animal experiments.

2. Commercial chickens: A cost-efficient version of the toolbox for regular poultry farmers. This set contains a limited number of group sensors, such as acoustic and video solutions, or some individual sensors on selected animals.


We expect the WISH project to deliver an effective, smart combination of individual and flock-based sensors, coupled with proper control for cage enrichment and behavioral influence. The resulting toolkits should be widely applicable within the poultry sector and offer advantages for both productivity and welfare. This research project teams up with companties to valorize the results: Poulpharm will focus on the commercialization of the research setup, and Roxell will market the toolbox to farmers.
