Research project Farming the future- Building rural networks for climate-adaptive agriculture

In progress FARMLIFE
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General introduction

The FARMLIFE project is conducting field trials on newer on-farm climate adaptation techniques, such as agroforestry, or such as land use interventions in combination with water management and soil conservation. The testing, implementation and demonstration will take place on 3 farms in North Brabant (the Netherlands). Secondly, the intention is to translate the 'lessons learned' from the work on the 3 demonstration farms, such as technical knowledge and methodological results, into learning tools and to promote and have them repeated. FARMLIFE thus frames itself thematically within the challenge of climate adaptation.

Research approach

On the three pilot farms, the research partners conceive site-specific adaptive business plans for, for example, the implementation of agroforestry systems. The aim is the optimization of ecological and economic resilience to climate change. In addition, we organize master classes that support farmers (and the actors around them) in possibly implementing agroforestry. The lessons learned will be translated into a "transition toolkit". The aim is to have it reused at a later stage. The project is also working on the training of transition managers in agroforestry. One of the ways this is being done is by developing a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) and a Master's degree curriculum.


Agroforestry is a multifunctional farming system that diversifies and adapts production while reducing the carbon footprint, management efforts and input costs. It fits within the search for climate adaptive farming systems in times of climate change. The project seeks new business models for viable and resilient agroforestry systems. In addition, given the limited knowledge surrounding agroforestry, the project will also develop tools and lessons that can support the transition to agroforestry.
