Project news Flanders tackles global warming with carbon removal and carbon farming
Flemish government holds up action platform dedicated to carbon removal and carbon farming and seeks two coordinators.
Carbon Removals en Carbon Farming (CRCF)
Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming (CRCF) allows CO2 from the atmosphere to be or remain sequestered in the soil, in biomass, in biomaterials or in the deep subsoil. CRCF activities can slow climate change and can lead to several additional benefits such as improved soil quality, resilient and biodiverse nature, strengthened green-blue networks, increased circularity and reduced use of fossil fuels. For the Flemish Government, these CRCF initiatives are also important for achieving various policy objectives around climate mitigation and adaptation, LULUCF, nature restoration and agro-ecological transition. In addition, certification of CRCF offers a revenue model in which public and private parties financially compensate actors for their efforts to store CO₂.
European policy and Flemish approach
In Europe, interest in CRCF activities is growing. In 2024, the European certification framework "Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming Regulation" was approved. This legislative framework outlines the conditions for certification of carbon removal through technologies such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and direct air capture (DACCS), carbon farming (such as soil and forest management), and carbon storage in sustainable products. This regulation will encourage innovative technologies for carbon removal and soil emissions avoidance and monitors that certificates are transparent, reliable and harmonized.

In Flanders, interest in carbon removal is increasing among various stakeholder groups. Despite the great interest, there is not yet a broad rollout in Flanders. Several reasons lie behind this, but a lack of an overarching Flemish vision, a clear regulatory framework and reliable systems for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) are always cited as major obstacles. The question is how existing and new voluntary initiatives can be supported to enable scale-up of carbon removal in Flanders and to develop a clear Flemish vision to avoid proliferation of certification/methodologies.
Flanders Action Platform for Carbon Removals & Carbon Farming
To support various private and government initiatives on revenue models for carbon removal, the Flemish Government has established the Flemish Action Platform Carbon Removals & Carbon Farming. The platform was established with the support of several Flemish government entities, including the Agency for Nature and Forest; the Agency for Agriculture and Sea Fisheries; the Department of Environment; the Department of Work, Economy, Science, Innovation and Social Economy; the Flemish Land Agency; the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency; the Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Research; the Institute for Nature and Forest Research and NatuurInvest. Initially, the platform focuses on carbon farming and carbon storage in biomaterials. This will later be expanded to cover all aspects of carbon removals.
The Flemish Action Platform aims to bring different actors together and create synergy so that carbon removals can be rolled out on a larger scale in Flanders. This should contribute to achieving the climate goals while creating economic opportunities for farmers, foresters, industry, as well as the broader society. The Action Platform is built around three strategic networks: the navigation network, the MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, Verification) network and the financial network.- The navigation network is designed to connect and collaborate with Flemish stakeholders. This network focuses on translating questions and needs of local actors into a coherent and supported regional vision and operation around carbon removal in Flanders.
- The MRV-network brings together validated knowledge needed to establish cost-effective MRV methods and makes this information available to Flemish stakeholders. The network will work to establish harmonized measurement protocols, databases and models . This will ensure more efficient use of research and policy resources and create a unified knowledge base.
- The financial network focuses on developing a sustainable revenue model for carbon farming. It will gather knowledge from relevant projects, assemble a network of experts and provide an analysis of possible financial instruments and mechanisms to make carbon farming profitable in the long term within a correct earnings model that contributes to achieving the objectives.

The Flemish Action Platform closely follows developments within the European framework and proactively seeks how to translate this European framework into a vision and concrete solutions adapted to local conditions and data availability.
Wanted: enthusiastic platform coordinators
By working together within the Flemish Action Platform Carbon Removals & Carbon Farming, we are laying the foundation for a sustainable future in which carbon removal becomes an integral part of our climate strategy and economy. The founders of the action platform are looking for two enthusiastic coordinators to roll out and shape the action platform in cooperation with professionals in the field. The policy/financial coordinator will be responsible for the navigation and financial network and the scientific coordinator for the MRV network.
> Vacature: Wetenschappelijk coördinator Carbon Removals & Carbon Farming
> Vacature: Beleids- en Financieel Coördinator Carbon Removals & Carbon Farming
For more information about the Flemish Action Platform and future activities, please contact Victor Vaernewyck (