Research project Alternative dewormers for organic laying hens

General introduction
A first set of exploratory experiments with alternatives to the anthelmintic flubendazole in poultry did not provide a clear direction. Additional research will be needed after completion of the ALTBIOLEG project. Layers in both conventional and organic systems often suffer from worm infections. For treatment, only the allopathic drug flubendazole is currently allowed. The new European legislation may introduce a minimum withdrawal period of 48 hours, during which time eggs will not be sold as organic. This is bad for the farmer's income.
The hypothesis of this project was that treatment may be too frequent, and that the use of alternative products would already be able to inhibit infection pressure. If this is the case, the organic layer farmer will be given tools regarding the optimal use of anti-worm products and an alternative approach to worm infections.
Research approach
The researchers looked at how worm infestation occurs on an organic layer farm and the relationship between worm infestation, production level and animal health. Using three indicators, they estimated the degree of worm infestation. The indicators used were the number of eggs per gram (EPG) of manure of the most common worms, the immunity cells present in the blood of laying hens and the presence of worms at autopsy. Through experiments, the effect of a number of alternative, natural worming products, on the course of worm infection was mapped. In particular, the effect of administering natural deworming products on the above indicators on productivity as well as on animal health would be documented.
Specifically, the experiments and measurements took place on 4 laying hen farms, on one rearing farm and on free-range chickens at ILVO's pilot site. At 2 layer farms and at ILVO products were administered to the hens that would reduce worm pressure. The effect of these products was monitored using the mentioned indicators. As a result, no significant effects of the application of these products were observed. The different cases were informative, but mutual variation makes it difficult to draw conclusions regarding relationships between different indicators. Further research is needed in this regard.
Vlaamse Overheid - L&V