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Research projects

Heat plan for Flemish pig farming

...of days with elevated temperatures in Belgium can lead to heat stress in several animal species but pigs are particularly sensitive to this. In recent years, pig farmers have experienced much great...

Research projects

Sustainability in pork production with immunocastration

... castration of newborn male piglets, a practice that is under discussion in Europe. In IC, the male pigs receive two injections of a vaccine (low-invasiveness). The young boars then no longer devel...

Research projects

Detection and valorisation of pork with boartaint

...ance/ValorizationBoar taint is an unpleasant off-odour that can occur when fat from entire male pigs is heated. In order to avoid boar taint, it is common practice to surgically castrate male p...

Research projects

Soy free chicken and pig production

... good practical results. We demonstrate the soy-free feed in the production of broiler chickens and pigs. The impact of the costs and benefits in terms of business profitability and environment is ...

Research projects

Animal Welfare Indicators at the SlaughterHouse this data to give feedback and advice on best practices to those responsible for the chicken and pigs throughout their lifetime (farmer, catching team, transporter, slaughterhouse). This approac...

Research projects

Dynamics of Hepatitis E infections in Begian pig farms

... can be transmitted to humans via raw or undercooked pork products. A majority (75%) of the Belgian pigs have antibodies against HEV. However, little is known about dynamics of HEV infection on Bel...

Research projects


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