Research project The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: Preparation phase

General introduction
What is the best way to prepare a framework for a future European network of Living Labs and Research Infrastructures that will enable the transition towards agroecology throughout Europe? We explore this question in the ALL READY project. The point of departure is that Open Innovation Arrangements and in particular Living Labs (LL) and Research Infrastructures (RI) are instruments that have large potential to contribute to amplifying agroecology in Europe.
Research approach
The project relies on a highly participatory and inclusive approach and on experimentation in real life situations. It thus uses a living lab approach itself. The project has 3 phases: an initial preparatory phase in which the vision, scope and mission for the network are defined and the criteria for inclusion in the Network of LLs and RIs are defined. In a second phase, different prerequisites for the future network are prepared (sustainability, governance, capacity building, data and knowledge management). Plans for each of these are constructed with stakeholders and then tested in a small-scale pilot network and then refined to match the existing needs.
This project enables the mapping of current and emerging LLs, RIs across Europe and their characteristics, highlighting best cases. One of the final outcomes of the project will be a pilot-tested implementation plan for implementing the validated framework of ALL READY.
EU Horizon2020