Research project Collaboration in an agro-ecological and 100% Belgian pasta value chain

In progress BASTA!

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General introduction

Most wheat grown in Flanders is soft wheat for use in feed. This project explores the potential of durum baking wheat. The aim is to study its application in an agro-ecological context, while promoting (new) chain formation and value creation for all actors involved. Concretely, the project aims at cooperation between farmers in two cluster regions (Pajottenland and Heuvelland) on the one hand, and between these clusters of farmers and a central local buyer-processor on the other hand.

Research approach

A steering committee on the cultivation of durum wheat is being set up for farmers can share their knowledge and experiences around cultivation. Through on-farm monitoring by ILVO researchers, agroecological knowledge is being expanded. To build a sustainable value chain in a co-creative process, we are laying the foundation for new types of agreements between farmers and processors in the agri-food chain.


With the “Food Connects Farmers and Citizens” charter, the Flemish Government, together with various stakeholders, wants to emphasize local food even more. With this project, a group of farmers and a family food processing company want to explore opportunities for innovative products based on local ingredients.


Agentschap Landbouw & Zeevisserij