Research project Quinoa Local
General introduction
The main objective of "QUINOA LOKAAL" (QUILO) is to make quinoa a profitable conventional and organic crop in Flanders. We want to achieve this while maintaining the "green image" of the crop; that is, without the use of pesiticides or herbicides. QUILO will enable the Flemish farmer to deliver a high-quality end product. We focus on aspects that guarantee and /or increase the profitability of the crop.
Research approach
The project is based on two major topics. The first is the creation of a learning network with participation of the target groups (f.e. through QUILOPEDIA). The second topic focuses on the generation of knowledge (cultivation, technical knowledge, profitability and quality analyses). Both topics support a profitable quinoa cultivation.
The QUILO project has fine-tuned the fundamental knowledge about quinoa cultivation. In Flanders, early-maturing varieties without saponins are preferred, allowing for successful cultivation under both contract and free farming systems without the use of pesticides or herbicides. Early and shallow sowing pays off. Quinoa requires a minimum of 90 units of nitrogen for a good yield. The profitable cultivation of this protein-rich niche crop contributes to diversifying crop rotations within innovative agricultural enterprises. Through QUILO and synergies with other projects, we aim to increase awareness of quinoa among producers and buyers, thereby creating (greater) opportunities in both the market and processing industry.