Research project Nutriënt Management and Nutriënt Recovery Thematic Network

General introduction
NUTRIMAN is a Nitrogen and Phosphorus Thematic network on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) that compiles knowledge of “ready-for-practice” bio-based fertiliser products based on recovered N and P. Applied science and industrial practices are linked for the interest and benefit of the farmer. The objective of NUTRIMAN is to exploit existing practice-ready technologies, products and practices based on nutrient management and reuse that are currently not well known by the end-user.
Research approach
It is therefore essential to get the knowledge and information about the insufficiently known innovations around N and P reuse (technologies, products and practices) to the farmers. This action creates new opportunities for farmers to build bridges between applied research with usable results and agricultural practice in regions where nutrient management and reuse are increasingly important. In doing so, NUTRIMAN works bottom-up, to quickly uncover initiatives and bottlenecks to application and to prioritize technologies and products with high support so that use can spread rapidly.
The agricultural and food industries are highly dependent on specific resources in their production processes and therefore seek long-term sustainability. The results of the NUTRIMAN project are disseminated and used through a web platform in multiple languages, abstracts in EIP-Agri format and demonstrations of best practices in the field. All information (info sheets, training materials,...) will remain available on the website for at least 10 years, allowing the existing knowledge on N and P reuse to be successfully put into practice.