Project news Irrigation project helps the farmer make irrigation choices
Helping farmers to irrigate efficiently so that the available water is used in the best possible way is the goal of "Irrigation 2.0", which will be launched on October 1. Water requirements of crops and the supply of alternative water sources will be visualized in a user-friendly and freely accessible online platform.
Water scarcity
The recent series of summers with prolonged drought have been tough on farmers. The problem is not only limited to the availability of sufficient water. The question of water quality and decisions about prioritizing where to use this water are also crucial elements in an efficient irrigation strategy. The Irrigation 2.0 project wants to help farmers to irrigate more efficiently so that the available water is used as optimally as possible. In addition, farmers are informed about suitable, alternative water sources that can be used in case of water shortage. Both the water needs of the crops and the supply of alternative water sources are visualized in a user-friendly and freely accessible online platform.
Technology for efficient irrigation
The project partners want to help growers irrigate more efficiently by using remote sensing data, weather forecasts and crop growth models. Potato, spinach and cauliflower fields spread across Flanders will be intensively monitored. In addition, the effect of irrigation with alternative water sources on crop yield and quality will be investigated. The existing online platform watchITgrow will be expanded with functionalities so that irrigation needs and supply of alternative water sources of the right quality can be matched. The individual farmer will be able to freely consult this Flemish wide platform so that he/she can determine when and how much to irrigate on a specific plot and which alternative water sources are available nearby in case of a shortage of water.
Project title: Irrigatie 2.0: wanneer, waar, welk water?
Term: 2018 - 2022
Funding: Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen met cofinanciering van Boerenbond, Belgapom, Vegebe, Aquafin, ABS en de telersvereniging Ingro.
Partners: Inagro, VITO