Search results for Irrigation

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Water in agriculture

Various ILVO projects are exploring how to improve water use on farms and irrigation recommendations.

Research projects

Blue-green strategies for climate change adaptation

... 3) infiltration pools in fields, and 4) infiltration reservoirs with active supply from rivers for irrigation and groundwater recharge. The decision support framework is being developed and valida...

Research projects

Opportunities for controlled drainage in Flanders

...cally, the necessary expertise is also being built up around 3 knowledge gaps: the potential of sub-irrigation (bringing water underground via the drainage system), the influence of CD on salinizat...


Healthy soil and crops

...assport. ILVO is pulling out all the stops in the areas of water storage, infiltration and variable irrigation. A better understanding of the role of microbial soil life in the interaction between ...


Toward climate-smart agriculture and food production

... to increase the water supply. For example, the demand for water can be reduced by more efficient irrigation, but also by opting for drought-tolerant crops and even for climate-resistant systems, s...


Precision agriculture and data technology

...n addition, we are working on site-specific applications such as precision fertilization, precision irrigation and targeted treatment and monitoring of diseases, pests and weeds. Precision manageme...


POTENTIAL closing event

Insights and guidelines for variable rate irrigation and nitrogen fertilization in potatoBrussels, Belgium

News | 16/09/2022

Potatoes as viewed by the drone: the results

...g.” A next step is to have smart agricultural machines for weed control, crop protection or irrigation (in case of drought stress) and intervene locally. On the basis of a digital task map, the...

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