
Ga naar Nederlandstalige jobsite. Here is a list of our open positions. If you can't find the right fit for you, please send us your unsolicited application.

Role Department Location

Project officer on food losses

Master diploma
Technology and Food Science Unit Merelbeke application deadline
sunday september 15

Stakeholder Relations coordinator

Graduate of bachelor diploma
Technology and Food Science Unit Merelbeke application deadline
sunday september 8th 2024

Researcher AI for animal welfare

Master diploma
Technology and Food Science Unit Merelbeke application deadline
Sunday, September 1 2024

PhD student sustainable agribusiness models

Master diploma
Social Sciences Unit Merelbeke application deadline
Sunday 1 September 2024

PhD Proteins from seaweed for food applications

Master diploma
Technology and Food Science Unit Melle application deadline
Sunday 1 September 2024

PhD Production Seaweed for Food and Feed

Master diploma
Animal Sciences Unit Oostende application deadline
Sunday 1 September 2024

Stay up-to-date with our vacancies


  • Work among green surroundings in Merelbeke/Melle or in a busy port area in Ostend
  • Meaningful work with attention for sustainability
  • Societally relevant centers of expertise and living labs
  • Working together with friendly and interesting colleagues in an open, communicative culture based on trust
  • Attention for internal networking with regular internal events
  • A dynamic work environment with room for self-development
  • An international work environment that is still strongly locally anchored
  • The ILVO vehicles and machinery include several electric cars and bikes for use by employees
  • Charging poles for electric cars are available at every ILVO site
  • Green commuting (public transportation and biking) is reimbursed; meal checks and hospitalization insurance are provided

They are ILVO

ILVO as employer

ILVO has an open, communicative culture based on mutual trust and meaningful work. ILVO colleagues work on solutions for societal challenges within the inspiring environment of an open food landscape and a bustling port.

Take a look at our research infrastructure

ILVO as a mission-driven organization

ILVO performs applied research for an agro-food system that is HEALTHY in every way. Positive, proactive, professional, working together and being an example are the 5 values that guide ILVO employees in they way they approach their work.

Read about our mission and vision

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Contact us and together we'll look at how we can help you.

Contact us