...ble with soil properties;Right timing: fertilize at the time when the plant needs the nitrogen (and phosphorus), and at a time when weather conditions are favorable;Right fertilization technique: l...
...ble with soil properties;Right timing: fertilize at the time when the plant needs the nitrogen (and phosphorus), and at a time when weather conditions are favorable;Right fertilization technique: l...
...n of compost and farmyard manure should be done judiciously to limit additional nitrogen and phosphorus leaching. Compost. This one is a mix of farmyard manure, green waste from nature mana...
...ars compared to barrows. Ecologically, intact boars are also the best choice, as their nitrogen and phosphorus emissions and carbon footprint are lower than those of barrows. Moreover, it is no lon...
... be used for soil improvement. Cuttings from nature reserves and roadsides generally contain little phosphorus in relation to organic carbon and are therefore interesting for increasing the carbon ...
Bringing technologies, products and practices for reusing nitrogen and phosphorus to farmers is the goal of the European project NUTRIMAN. This approach stimulates the circular economy and guarantees ... alternative compared to keeping surgically castrated male piglets, both in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions and in terms of CO2 emissions. This better ecological performance was observ... an optimal slaughter weight. A better feed and nutrient efficiency will also minimize losses of phosphorus and nitrogen to the environment. The results will be primarily applicable to pig farme...
How do we achieve reduced nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus leaching, better control of nitrogen losses from ammonia volatilization, and lower greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector
...eveloping a methodology to identify fertilization practices.Relevance/ValorizationNitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are vital for agriculture, impacting food security. The European Green ...
General introductionNUTRIMAN is a Nitrogen and Phosphorus Thematic network on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) that compiles knowledge of “ready-for-practice” bio-based fertiliser products based on...
...ops. John Sawyer, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University. Juli 2004 Crop Nutrition - Phosphorus: Essential role of phosphorus in plants.Mosaic YARA, Gewasvoeding Overzicht gebreksverschijnse...
...en function. At the same time, we are investigating how we can - economically - reduce nitrogen and phosphorus excretions and emissions to the environment. Various strategies We set up ...
...products. ILVO also showed that repeated application of compost does increase the phosphorus reserve in a soil and that is already high – often too high – on some plots.Watch the video about compos...
...he found was rather limited. Van den Meersch: "Biology is aimed at reducing nitrogen and phosphorus in manure, not antibiotics or bacteria. However, we saw a limited decrease in both antibiotic res... the arable plot. The effect of the presence of tree rows on organic soil carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and acidity was checked in the topsoil of the e...
... woody borders contribute significantly to water quality, in particular by capturing nitrogen and phosphorus from surface water. The surface water left by a woody border contains approximately 69% ...
...ure. However, cut green manures have the advantage of generally supplying more nitrogen per unit of phosphorus, which can be important in the context of the stricter phosphorus standards.
NUTRIMAN is a Nitrogen and Phosphorus nutrient recovery management and nutrient recovery thematic network, which is compiling knowledge ready-for-practice. The recovered N/P innovative fertilisers hos...
Ambition on the field: phosphorus down and carbon up How do you ensure carbon build-up and just enough nitrogen in perennial crops where it's hard to incorporate manure in bet...
...a broad concept and chemically contains a wealth of interesting atoms: carbon as well as protein, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc. It's truly wasteful to reduce that wealth of possibilities to carbon ato...
... standard for phosphate. Current manure legislation combined with the often unfavorable nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio in livestock manure often limit the amount of livestock manure that can be used....
... the blacktop to build up organic matter and provide adequate nitrogen, without applying additional phosphorus. The grass clippings also stimulate soil life and have a positive effect on soil struc...
...ow can feed be modified through technical pretreatments to increase nutrient utilization (nitrogen, phosphorus) and stability of specific components in the feed or improve animal welfare? How can t...