Project news Thematic network on reuse of nitrogen and phosphorus (NUTRIMAN)
Bringing technologies, products and practices for reusing nitrogen and phosphorus to farmers is the goal of the European project NUTRIMAN. This approach stimulates the circular economy and guarantees efficient nutrient use in agriculture from an economic and environmental point of view.
Focus on practice
Despite the strong commitment to more efficient nutrient management and reuse in the pursuit of more sustainable agriculture, there is still a gap between applied research and agricultural practice. The goal of the thematic network NUTRIMAN is therefore to make ready-to-use technologies, products and practices better known, through a web platform and demonstrations, among other things. In doing so, NUTRIMAN works bottom-up, to quickly uncover initiatives and bottlenecks to application and to prioritize technologies and products with high support so that use can spread quickly.
Scaling up the use of innovative fertilizers
The project aims to scale up the use of innovative fertilizers based on currently unused sources of organic and secondary raw materials. This will stimulate the circular economy and guarantee efficient use by farmers, both from an economic and environmental point of view.
Project title: NUTRIent MANagement and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network - NUTRIMAN
Term: 2018 - 2021
Funding: EU Horizon 2020
Partners: 14 European partners – Vlaamse partners UGent, Vlaco, PCS, Inagro - Agrolink Vlaanderen