Authenticity of food products
Determination species/variety (plants, meat, fish, shellfish, crustaceans, fungi, bacteria) based on DNA, proteins and other macro molecules
Determination species/variety (plants, meat, fish, shellfish, crustaceans, fungi, bacteria) based on DNA, proteins and other macro molecules
...ife studies where specific spoilage organisms (e.g. Pseudomonas, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and fungi, etc.) and microbiological indicator germs for hygiene are monitored during storage. These st..., it can easily be extended to the detection of other unwanted bacteria and contaminants (fungi, toxins, allergens, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.). A follow-up has already started in the...
... this contain a second possible source of protein if the residues were to be processed by white rot fungi via aerobic decomposition?Research approachWith field experiments we optimized a hi...
...his project is to create added value to these alternative growth media by adding biological control fungi to add disease- and/or pest-suppressive properties.Research approachFirst, three ty...
... would strongly benefit from local soybean production. Additional knowledge about soil bacteria and fungi will support local soy growing.
...ediately valorized in three areas:1. There is now a status determination of the insects, mites, fungi and viruses listed in the DROPSA alert list in Belgium.2. The acquired insights have be...
...f a tree, specifically Candidatus Phytoplasma and Candidatus Liberibacter species and 2) pathogenic fungi in forests in complex communities of different origins (seeds of conifers and spore traps)....
The aim of this project is to determine the phytosanitary status in Belgium for 6 regulated plant pathogenic fungi and for 5 insect pests In stage 4, sequencing techniques will be used to screen for plastic degrading bacteria and fungi for the most occurring plastic polymers. Relevance/ValorizationThe project will giv...
...his approach will need to be integrated into the current broader control strategy towards fruit rot fungi), (v) update the advisory card describing agents efficient in the control of fruit rot....
...r> Food analysesAnimal-related analysesMarine analysesDiagnosis of plant-pathogenic bacteria, fungi, mites, insects, viruses and nematodesAnalyses for plant, soil and substrateLaboratory for Se...
...VO performs extensive research on how to help plants manage diseases and pests. ILVO has experts on fungi, viruses, bacteria, insects, mites and nematodes. They know the life cycles of plant attack...
...jn onderverdeeld in zaai- en pootgoed, gewasbescherming (herbiciden, fungiciden, insecticiden, etc.), en meststoffen (aangekochte kunstmest, kalk en meststoffen van organische oorsprong). Kosten ge...
...ction leads to an increased incidence of disease of various soil-bound plant pathogens, including fungi, pseudo-fungi and nematodes. The most important nematodes are the root-lesion nematode Pratyl...
...mer to save on chalky soil improversPromotes beneficial soil organisms (bacteria, fungi, good nematodes, etc.). A more active and diverse soil life increases the disease resilience of the soil, whi...
... nematodes, insects and bacteria, and together with CRA-W, the Walloon counterpart of ILVO, NRL for fungi and viruses / phytoplasms. The EURL appointment is only applicable for the nematode and...
...ies, they aim to reduce the use of plant protection products, for example by using less copper as a fungicide; in central and Northern European countries, they focus on energy-efficient systems to ...
...len en het aanpassen van de plantdichtheid en de bemesting. Daarnaast worden er ook chemische fungiciden gebruikt. Deze middelen staan echter meer en meer onder druk, enerzijds omwille van de impac...
... grows less well or even dies off completely (picture 1). Indirect damage can also be caused by fungi and bacteria that penetrate the plant root at the site of the wound. Photo 1: Bald spot in...
... to reduce losses to the ground. 'At the early growth stage, we were able to reduce fungicide or insecticide losses to the soil by as much as 75%.'
...n protein can be of animal (meat, fish, seafood, insects, milk and milk products, eggs), microbial (fungi, bacteria and microalgae) or plant origin (grains, legumes, nuts, seeds). One of the major ...
...hat they think they have seen. This can be about insects that are easily identifiable themselves or fungi, bacteria or viruses that cause recognizable symptoms. After identification, they can also ...
... annual plants, which root in different ways and attract different beneficial insects, bacteria and fungi. The species sown in Hansbeke are sunflower, facelia, Alexandrian clover, vetch, field pea,...
... roses. In addition, important insights were gained on the interaction between viruses, the harmful fungi, bacteria and pests and their microbiomes. Like the intestinal flora of humans, the microbi... catching up on that front. Aphids and the bean spider mite were found to have stolen a gene from fungi that enabled them to make their own carotene, a building block of vitamin A. Herring borrow...
...or 11 years, where she investigated glomalin, a substance produced by AM (arbuscular mycorrhizal) fungi.
...t, KU Leuven, ILVO and Thomas More, one works on proteins from peas, mealworms, spirulina and fungi. They are studying the impact of processing on nutritional and functional quality and the effect ...