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Research projects


The main objective of the FoodForward operational group is to investigate and promote the economic feasibility of food forests as an alternative business model.

Research projects

Need for nuts

...protein content and other relevant quality parameters of different varieties are analyzed. Possible business models are described, quantitatively where possible, and an action plan for 'Flemish nut...

Research projects

Setting up a local, sustainable soybean value chain.

...nique for organic soybeans at the SME scale. The goal is to develop a mutually fair and transparent business model to enable a local, integral and long-lasting value chain for organic soy in Flande...

Research projects


...Space mapped the existing data exchange landscape and experiences with it, including governance and business models and evolving legislation. The researchers proposed a technical reference architec...

Research projects

Building a local chickpea processing chain

...nd fertilizers, as chickpea is a leguminous crop that can fix nitrogen. KIKET aims for an inclusive business model with open and transparent pricing throughout the chain from farmer to consumer.

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