Research project Consultancy service for better soil and water quality (B3W)

In progress B3W
soil corn maize

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General introduction

B3W is an information and guidance service in the context of nutrient policy. The guidance service aims to change the behavior of individual agricultural and horticultural farmers through the introduction and improved application of techniques and practices for sustainable nutrient and soil management. ILVO is one of the 10 knowledge centers within B3W to deploy its knowledge in this field. The cornerstone of its operation is the translation of results of recent scientific and technical research into understandable information tailored to farmers. The ultimate goal is to reduce both nutrient losses to water, soil and air, while improving soil fertility. B3W was set up on behalf of the Flemish Land Agency (VLM).

Research approach

ILVO cooperates in this project with 9 other specialized Flemish research and practice centres for agriculture, with different locations and (cultivation) expertise. The content of the guidance service is structured around 4 themes, i.e. rational fertilization, sustainable soil management, regenerative and organic agriculture and circular (dairy) livestock farming. Around these 4 themes, thematic groups are installed with 3 types of activities: (i) thematic exchange moments involving a demonstration on an example farm, (ii) focus groups as learning networks in which farms voluntarily participate to apply existing knowledge and develop new knowledge and (iii) individual guidance to improve nutrient management on a specific farm.


This advisory service operates within a regulatory framework that is subject to possible changes. Within MAP7, agricultural guidance is a cornerstone of manure policy. The activities developed by the guidance service fit within this framework and are not syndicated. New knowledge must reach the individual farmer, farmers must gain confidence that a certain new technique works and is economically sustainable and, finally, this new technique must also fit within their own business practice and strategy. B3W's operation responds to this by focusing on sharing practical information, sharing farmers' experiences, demonstrating techniques in the field and small-scale testing of techniques on one's own farm in focus groups.


Vlaamse Landmaatschappij