Research project The second Coordination and Support Action for the JPI Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life

Complete CSA2.0JPIHDHL
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General introduction

Joint Programming is a process whereby the participating Member States (MS) voluntarily engage in defining, developing and implementing a common Strategic Research Agenda based on a common vision about major societal challenges that not can tackled by individual Member States. The Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ (JPI HDHL) is an European network initiative between 20 MS, 3 associated EU countries and 3 third countries outside Europe that focuses on common scientific research and networking concerning the influence of food on public health. The objective of the JPI HDHL currently running its’ second CSA 2.0, is to support the implementation of the JPI HDHL initiative and the creation of a more sustainable cooperation between the member states, the EC and related international organisations.

Research approach

This CSA 2.0 focusses on increasing the alignment and harmonisation of European research and on influencing the research and innovation policy and the research programmes of the individual MS. Other important objectives are the development of a sustainable support of this JPI, an increased cooperation with and between important stakeholders, and research concerning the impact of this JPI on food and health in the different member states. An important task for ILVO is to stimulate the networking between important stakeholders by creating a stakeholder forum. Very important is the contact with industrial partners, by which the needs and obstacles/difficulties for cooperation between academics and industry will be identified. ILVO is also involved in external communication, via updating and re-evaluating the communication strategy, via the web-based communication platform, via social media management, and via the production of promotion material and the organisation of international conferences.


JPI HDHL has acquired a strong involvement from a large number of member countries, both within and outside Europe, including Belgium. It has significantly promoted European coordination of research investments in the field of nutrition and health. Since its start, the network has already raised more than 85 million euros and launched 15 joint research and knowledge platform actions, funding 50 projects. JPI HDHL also focuses on the impact of the projects and on the interface between science and policy. One of the most important financing activities e.g. was the knowledge hub (more than 300 scientists from 13 countries) on determinants of diet and exercise that resulted in more than 35 publications and practical results. At the recommendation of this platform, further work was done on this by investing in a policy evaluation network that evaluates the impact of policies on nutrition, physical activity and sedentary behaviour. ILVO's greatest achievement lies in the support and motivation of the stakeholder advisory group, which not only made it more active, but also had more impact in the JPI HDHL network. JPI HDHL also wants to contribute further to the transition of the food system in the follow-up process, because healthy and sustainable food go hand in hand.


EU Horizon2020