Research project Microbial fermentation as a protein source in food and feed applications for Flemish companies

General introduction
Valorizing the different (residual) streams from microbial fermentation processes into high-quality food ingredients or feed components is still an unknown territory for many companies. The MICROBIAL PROTEIN TRANSITION project of ILVO and BBEU (Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant) has shown through small-scale showcases the potential for produced single cell protein in human food and for by-products of microbial fermentations in feed. It has supported companies in the agro-food sector in their first, essential innovation steps in this matter, namely experiments on a relatively small scale, with the accompanying analyses. The partners opted for a process of co-creation via the existing Living Labs within ILVO (and Flanders' FOOD).
Research approach
Two established pilot plants, the Food Pilot in Melle (a joint venture of ILVO and Flanders' FOOD) and the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (a spinoff of UGent), consulted with each other to make the smartest investments in necessary pilot equipment. The equipment allows to perform experiments on a small and semi-industrial scale with the production, purification, characterization and further processing of nutrient streams through a microbial fermentation process. Two showcases were executed, including a sustainability analysis. One concerned evaluating potential in food products and one dealt with opportunities in feed applications.
The social and economic relevance of this research (and investment) can be found in the rapidly evolving, global trend of protein diversification via microbial fermentation, also crucial in Flanders. All parties involved have given positive feedback on the approach to study the whole process of valorization through the showcases, together with companies that (could) valorize (each of) the abovementioned residual flows with expertise.