Research project Local organic protein chain through collaboration between Biograno and LVEB

In progress TWEESPAN

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General introduction

A contribution to the Flemish Protein strategy by strengthing and perpetuating the collaboration between organic farmers of Biograno and organic processor of La vie est belle: that is the aim of the Tweespan project. The purposes are marketing innovative, vegetarian products produced with local raw materials, demand-driven production of quality and food-safe organic protein crops. Development of a sustainable partnership where fair trade rules are strictly followed is a main focus.

Research approach

Within Tweespan, we unite farmers from Biograno, processor La vie est belle, research institutes ILVO and Inagro and the organic sector organisation Bioforum into a project consortium in which each contributes to a total sustainable and local chain of protein crops yellow peas, chickpeas and lentils. Several trials are being developed to find the most suitable crop combinations in mixed cultivation, agricultural areas are sown as mixed cultivation, a fair relationship between grower and processor is explored with a focus on an inclusive chain story, products based on local, organic protein crops are created and marketed. Ways of ensuring food safety and quality are also being explored.


Tweespan is fully in line with the Flemish protein strategy by focusing on the cultivation of more vegetable protein and the development of vegetable protein-rich alternatives. In addition, a fair trade relationship is being developed so that each link in the chain is properly compensated.


Vlaamse Overheid Departement L&V