Research project Evaluation of on farm toasting techniques to enable the use of local protein sources in animal feeds
General introduction
Dairy farmers who grow their own protein crops know that toasting (soy)beans results in remarkably higher feed efficiency. This project investigates how this toasting process can be done using a local machine on the farm. ILVO is working here together with, and at the request of a group of organic and conventional dairy farmers to identify the most suitable machine and learn the right settings and temperatures per protein crop type. It is precisely heat treatment that is currently the stumbling block in the road to more local protein crops for animals. Especially in the organic crops (need to be kept separate), the volumes are too small for contract work by industrial units.
Research approach
There are several constructors of (soybean) toasters. Together with the constructors, we study which are the best settings for field beans and/or mixed crops. We evaluate the toasting process by determining the effect on protein (and starch) resistance. We pour the settings into device-specific protocols/manuals that take into account batch moisture content and field bean to grain ratio. The various protocols established will be a measure of flexibility and ease of use and adjustability of the machines. We are also exploring the possibilities for a partnership between different growers for the operation of a (mobile) toaster.
Farmers indicate that the toasting stage adds value to the forage value of protein crops. In fact, it is a key to successful stand-alone protein supply on their farms. Heat treatment of legumes has several advantages: preservation, degradation of bitter substances and therefore also increasing palatability and resistance of the protein and starch, which means a significantly higher feed value. Until the start of this project, no suitable machine for the farm level was available in Flanders. In terms of communication and dissemination, we are planning newsletters, a study and demo day and the results of the project will be used as input at information events of the agricultural centers LCV and LCG and at trial field visits of organic (winter) cereals and mixed crops.