Project news The influence of climate change on food systems

dry plants on a field
Drought is a climate problem across the world

ILVO is monitoring international research on food security in a changing climate. This is done within a European-African-South American network that maps socio-cultural, economic and environmental consequences. The ultimate goal is to improve resistance and thus reduce the unpredictability of agri-food production, valorize residual flows and reduce food losses.

Strong international network

The ERA-Net Cofund project FOSC (FOod System and Climate) is implemented within the framework of and supported by the European networks FACCE-JPI, LEAP-AGRI and Belmont and has as its topic food security under a changing climate. The aim of the project is to launch a strong transnational, European-African-South American research and innovation network and to better coordinate research programs.

Influence of climate change on food

The research projects will result in improved knowledge of the impacts of climate change on agricultural and food markets and the development of sustainable and resilient food value chains in the context of changing food needs and patterns (diets). The research focus is on mapping socio-cultural, economic and environmental impacts, improving resilience and thus reducing the unpredictability of agri-food production, valorizing residual flows and reducing food losses.

ILVO monitors

No fewer than 29 international partners from 22 different countries are working together in this FOSC network. Several activities will be organized such as special outreach events and seminars. ILVO is responsible for the follow-up, monitoring and impact assessment of the research projects and the dissemination of the research results via the website. ILVO is also co-organizer of the final seminar on the research results.

Project title: ERA-Net Cofund on Food Systems and Climate (FOSC)
Funding: Horizon 2020
Term: 2019 – 2024
Partners: 29 partners from 22 countries (Europe, Africa, South America)

FOSC logo: plant, fork, soil ERA-Net Cofund on Food Systems and Climate


Contact us

Sofie De Man

ILVO researcher

Hendrik De Ruyck

ILVO researcher

Lieve Herman

Head of the Technology and Food Science Unit at ILVO

See also

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