Press release ILVO at Agridagen2024 in Ravels with two hall events and with new research projects


During this agricultural trade fair for intensive animal husbandry, ILVO is organizing two events for the sector: The data sharing platform DjustConnect will give an informative networking breakfast on Friday morning, Feb. 16. In the afternoon there is a workshop for the poultry sector on improved biosecurity in and around stables.

Furthermore, visitors to the fair can pick up news at the stand of our Cattle, Pig and Poultry Information Centers and at DjustConnect, where ILVO data specialists will show how to lighten the farmer's administrative load by using the start-up research project Digislim Farmers.

The Agridagen in Ravels will run from February 16 to 18, 2024.

Expanded ILVO booth (2111) puts services to farmers at center stage

Livestock Information Centers

The staff of the ILVO Pig, Cattle and Poultry Information Centers are open to inquiries from farmers and interested parties for questions about the 3 livestock sectors. They provide an up-to-date status on recent research results and practical information.

Matthieu Frijlink, ILVO Cattle Information Center ('Rundveeloket'): 'Visitors will get demos of the extensive knowledge platform with online tools such as the animal welfare scan, the ration tool, or a tool for calculating the optimal productive age of laying hens. E-learning modules will also be demonstrated.'
The Pig, Cattle, and Poultry Data Centers are part of the ILVO Livestock Living Lab, which accelerates innovation and valorization of research and makes it accessible to everyone within the livestock industry. Interested companies can also make use of the infrastructure and expertise that the ILVO Livestock Living Lab has at its disposal.

Administrative relief with DjustConnect and Digislim Farmers

Farmers who want to manage their farm records faster and more efficiently can join DjustConnect for free. The data-sharing platform is created, managed and legally "sealed" by ILVO.

Aya Kemeltaeva, ILVO DjustConnect: 'A great added value is that DjustConnect builds in all the guarantees for farmers to keep control over the fast-growing data flow on and about their farms. We help with registration so that an audit by IKM or Vegaplan, for example, can proceed more smoothly, without having to write things over. Other examples are that soil analyses appear directly in the soil passport or that the farmer's accounting package receives the requested invoices smoothly and safely. In the wake of DjustConnect, Digislim Farmers was recently launched. In it, Odisee, Ferm, ILVO and the Flemish Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries are looking for innovative solutions to reduce the administrative tasks of farmers. The suggestions and ideas of Agridagen visitors are listened to attentively, or read on the digital suggestion box here: Ideeën voor administratieve ontzorging van land- en tuinbouwers (

Furthermore, the ILVO booth will also highlight interesting ongoing research projects, such as dar are: Wormtool (on worm control in dairy farms with grazing), Klimrek (climate scans for arable farming, dairy cattle and pig farming), Klimrek-T (climate and water trajectories for outdoor vegetable and fruit growers), Optipluim (optimal cultivation of protein crops for poultry nutrition), Netpoulsafe (on biosafety in the poultry sector).
Some of these projects are seeking farmer participation.

Two additional events during Agridagen Ravels

Poultry Biosafety Workshop - Friday, Feb. 16, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Poultry farmers, veterinarians, farm owners and pharmaceutical companies are welcome to attend the hands-on workshop. It is a concluding information and networking moment of the European research project Netpoulsafe, which ran in Flanders, the Netherlands, France and Italy.
Helena Ferreira, ILVO Netpoulsafe coordinator
: 'In addition to the main research results, we are announcing a number of derived communication products: Netpoulsafe has provided useful and applicable info for the poultry sector through fact sheets, instructional videos, podcasts and online training."
Register via this link: Bioveiligheid bij pluimvee - ILVO Vlaanderen

Networking breakfast DjustConnect, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024, 8:45-10:30 a.m.

It has become a tradition: DjustConnect is organizing a breakfast event during the Agridagen for the third time.
Stephanie Van Weyenberg, Djustconnect coordinator
: 'There are again important milestones and recent achievements to report at DjustConnect: new sectors, new applications, new APIs. At the event we also look ahead to new services we expect in 2024 and to the possibilities within the Digislim Farmers project.'
After the substantive contributions, there will be extensive time during a breakfast buffet for one-on-one conversations about connecting and innovating together.
Info and registration: DjustConnect Netwerkontbijt - ILVO Vlaanderen

Press contact: T. +32 486 26 00 14

See also