Chemical food safety-related analyses

Screening lab

Contact: Wim Reybroeck

In the laboratory for antibiotic screening, foodstuffs can be screened using microbiological tests for the presence of inhibitory substances (mainly antibiotics and chemotherapeutics). Foods can also be analyzed group specifically using immunological, Charm II and receptor tests for the presence of residues of ß-lactam antibiotics, (penicillins and cephalosporines), tetracyclines, sulfonamides, streptomycines, macrolides & lincosamides, quinolones, chlooramphenicol, etc.

Screening tests validated by ILVO

In addition, commercial screening tests for the detection of antibiotics in milk, honey, meat, or other food products can be validated according to norm 2002/657/EC of the Commission and the CRL guidelines for the validation of screening methods for residues of veterinary drugs.

> See here for the most recent list of screening kits validated by ILVO.

Chromatographic laboratory

Contact:; +32 9 272 30 32

In the chromatographic laboratory, residues of veterinary drugs and contaminants are analyzed in several matrices such as milk, eggs, meat, honey and feed. The LC-MS/MS analysis technique is mainly used.

> See the list of analyses

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