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Animal Related Analyses (ANIMALAB)> Composition and product quality of cattle feeds.Composition of animal end-products, such as eggs, milk, and meatAccurate and reliable analyses are extremely important for the governmental b...

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Co-creation in poultry and rabbit production

...ion trials in poultryDetermination of the possible presence of residues in poultry meat and eggs. More information.Behavior and welfare of farm animals Behavior and welfare of broil...

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Food-related analyses

...tect food allergens of vegetable (e.g. soy, nuts, mustard, etc.) and animal origin (e.g. milk, eggs, fish & shellfish, etc.) in all kinds of samples based on PCR (polymerase chain reaction), EL...

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Chemical food safety-related analyses

...tory, residues of veterinary drugs and contaminants are analyzed in several matrices such as milk, eggs, meat, honey and feed. The LC-MS/MS analysis technique is mainly used. > See the l...

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Allergen analyses

...O can detect food allergens of vegetable origin (soy, nuts, mustard, etc.) and animal origin (milk, eggs, fish and shellfish) in a variety of samples, a PCR based method (polymerase chain reaction)...

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