Project news ILVO is partner in Flanders AI research program (FAIR)


ILVO puts its expertise and knowledge in the field of AI applications and robotics in agriculture and food production at the disposal of the Flemish AI Research Program FAIR. FAIR invests via the Flemish government (EWI) in fundamental research on AI and stimulates cooperation between universities, knowledge centers and companies. The goal is to give Flanders a leading position in the field of AI in all major, Flemish sectors. With ILVO, research into AI applications for agriculture and food is also accelerating.

The Flemish AI research program is the ideal platform for ILVO to bring together the knowledge of experts in artificial intelligence with our knowledge of agricultural technology, thus accelerating innovations in the agri-food sector.

Jürgen Vangeyte (Scientific Director for AgriFood Engineering, ILVO)

Flemish policy plan for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has taken a tremendous leap forward in recent years. The influence of AI will be felt in all sectors and sections of society in the coming years. With the Flemish policy plan Artificial Intelligence launched in 2019, the Flemish government wants to prepare our region for this evolution. As part of that plan, it is investing in strategic basic research on AI, through the Flemish AI Research Program or Flanders AI research program FAIR.

5 universities and 6 research centers

FAIR is a consortium of research groups from the five Flemish universities (KU Leuven, UGent, VUB, University of Antwerp and UHasselt) and six Flemish research centers (imec, Flanders MAKE, VITO, VIB, Sirris and ILVO). They make their state-of-the-art research and leading 'use cases' available with the aim of giving Flanders a leading position in the field of AI in all kinds of sectors: industry, services, healthcare, government and with ILVO now also the agriculture, horticulture and food industry.

Artificial intelligence is used at ILVO in various applications, ranging from monitoring pigs in the barn to disease detection with drones and autonomous robots in the field. Thanks to FAIR, together with PhD students and Flemish universities, we can further accelerate this research.

Jérémie Haumont (AI researcher, ILVO)


There is also a unique synergy with ILVO's Test and Experiment Facility for robotics, data and AI: agrifoodTEF. The basic research from FAIR can help companies relying on ILVO's agrifoodTEF services and infrastructure to bring their data, AI and robotics solutions to market faster.

FAIR receives funding from the Department of Economics, Science and Innovation EWI. More info:


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