In the media Biochar should replace potting soil in strawberry cultivation: "A much more sustainable soil improver"

different colors of biochar in a tray

Researchers from Hasselt University and ILVO (Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) are currently testing a new type of soil improver in Sint-Truiden. Biochar should eventually replace the traditional potting soil in an ecologically responsible manner.

Bart Vandecaesteele tells Belgian TV: “On the one hand, we want to see if we can use the biochar to replace less sustainable materials like peat or coir in potting soil mixtures. On the other hand, we want to see if we can use small amounts of biochar to make the plants stronger against diseases so that we have to use fewer chemical crop protection agents."

Biochar is made from organic waste streams from agriculture, livestock and industry, among others.


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Bart Vandecasteele

Expert in sustainable growing media

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