Living Lab Agrifood Technology


Agrifood Technology The Living Lab Agrifood Technology helps companies and sectors with engineering agri-food processes. Mechanization and digitalization are often the key. The objective is to improve a range of processes within horticulture, arable farming, livestock farming and food processing, making them more sustainable and more efficient.

Expertise and infrastructure

ILVO has its own workshop where sensors are validated, prototypes built, data processed and solutions explored. Test set-ups in the trial field, the trial greenhouse, the trial stable or the Food Pilot allow new or improved processes to be evaluated in practice. With its 600 employees, advanced research infrastructure and extensive network of stakeholders, ILVO is interested in all your engineering questions.


Our approach is typified by the cyclic pattern of design, prototype construction and practical testing in order to arrive at practice-relevant solutions. Demonstrations also play a role in this. Relevant users, technology providers, knowledge institutes and practical centers are involved in this development process wherever possible, in order to arrive at market-ready technological innovations. Tailored to your needs, confidential, and with a strong network of partners, together we search for solutions.


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Living Lab Agrifood Technology

Field robot