ILVO aims to help eradicate malnutrition as well as an excessive food intake through knowledge about the functionality of primary products and process optimization.
Within so-called 'living labs' ILVO aims to further build on its role as a future-oriented and demand-driven knowledge center. Currently ILVO has 6 thematic living labs.
U vindt hier de procedure die u dient te doorlopen om toegang te krijgen tot (een deel van ) de ILVO-dataset Publiek grondbezit in Vlaanderen en Brussel.
The BELIS project, launched in October 2023, focuses specifically on developing cost-effective breeding techniques and improving the framework conditions for breeding in Europe.
ILVO supports the development of rapid and non-contact screening techniques. This offers opportunities for greater automation, efficiency gains and quality improvements.
For one in five of the professional farmers in Flanders and Brussels, at least 10% and on average a quarter of the acreage consists of public land. Total public land ownership in Flanders and Brussels...