Integrated management of plant-parasitic nematodes in tree nurseries and potatoes with primed plants
Can we efficiently control harmful soil nematodes or nematodes in agricultural soils by using a more integrated approach.
Can we efficiently control harmful soil nematodes or nematodes in agricultural soils by using a more integrated approach. this pest. Research has shown promising results in the control of the allium leaf miner using nematodes, but the larvae and pupae appear to be difficult to reach. Fifth, in terms of contr...
...t imported (assessement of the introductory routes). In a next phase, the status of the viruses and nematodes that were associated with propagation materials, in the field and in the marketed new (...
Main research questionThe overall objective of Nema Sensing is early detection of quarantine nematodes using remote sensing and image analysis. The research will determine the potential of these t...
... pine processionary moth, the fungus Sirococcus tsugae on cedar, phytoplasma diseases and root-knot nematodes in elm trees, and a general health survey on oak trees. ILVO and CRA-W supported the BG...