Integrated management of plant-parasitic nematodes in tree nurseries and potatoes with primed plants
Can we efficiently control harmful soil nematodes or nematodes in agricultural soils by using a more integrated approach.
Can we efficiently control harmful soil nematodes or nematodes in agricultural soils by using a more integrated approach.
...ence of all kinds of plant-pathogenic organisms. Since 2007, ILVO has been the only Belgian NRL for nematodes, insects and bacteria, and together with CRA-W, the Walloon counterpart of ILVO, NRL fo... this pest. Research has shown promising results in the control of the allium leaf miner using nematodes, but the larvae and pupae appear to be difficult to reach. Fifth, in terms of contr...
...t imported (assessement of the introductory routes). In a next phase, the status of the viruses and nematodes that were associated with propagation materials, in the field and in the marketed new (...
Main research questionThe overall objective of Nema Sensing is early detection of quarantine nematodes using remote sensing and image analysis. The research will determine the potential of these t...
... pine processionary moth, the fungus Sirococcus tsugae on cedar, phytoplasma diseases and root-knot nematodes in elm trees, and a general health survey on oak trees. ILVO and CRA-W supported the BG...
...analysesMarine analysesDiagnosis of plant-pathogenic bacteria, fungi, mites, insects, viruses and nematodesAnalyses for plant, soil and substrateLaboratory for Seed TestingSpray technology National...
... plants manage diseases and pests. ILVO has experts on fungi, viruses, bacteria, insects, mites and nematodes. They know the life cycles of plant attackers, develop identification methods and contr...
Meloidogyne spp. are microscopically small worms. They belong to the Nematoda or nematodes, a very diverse group of animals. Some of them are specialized as plant parasites. Here, the so-called “root-...
Pratylenchus spp. (root lesion nematodes) are worms (Nematoda) that are so small they can only be seen with a microscope. They feed and multiply on plant roots, causing wounds (= lesions) that result ...
... are very special: these leafy radish varieties are able to purify the soil of 2 types of parasitic nematodes: the beet cyst nematode and the root knot nematode. As much as 90% of the nematodes in ...
...sed incidence of disease of various soil-bound plant pathogens, including fungi, pseudo-fungi and nematodes. The most important nematodes are the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans and the...
...on chalky soil improversPromotes beneficial soil organisms (bacteria, fungi, good nematodes, etc.). A more active and diverse soil life increases the disease resilience of the soil, which can resul...
... of the properties showed that some of the substances obtained could neutralize free radicals, kill nematodes and prevent the formation of biofilms. These are properties that can potentially be use...
... aim here is to further search for a feasible way to decontaminate residual soil to make it free of nematodes. Moreover, this time the researchers are also taking a closer look at the contamination...
...rently, the number of earthworms present is counted, for example, or the number of certain types of nematodes or fungi. This research opted to take a remarkably large number of different soil sampl... stands out. The latest upcoming varieties are capable of destroying up to 90% of the root knot nematodes and beet cyst nematodes present with their resistance properties. Narrow plantain -from...
...d for detection of pests in soil, water and stock commodities, among other things. Potato cyst nematodes under control? 20 years ago, our potato crop suffered greatly from potato cysts ca...