Search results for Integrated pest management
OPTimised Integrated Pest Management for precise detection and control of plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables
...for 3 typical European crop types: orchards, vineyards and field vegetables. A fully developed IPM (Integrated Pest Management) plan assumes a holistic approach, in which recognition of diseases, p...
SUPPORT for adopting IPM strategies
Improved acceptance of IPM (integrated pest management) by gardeners and farmers is the goal of the SUPPORT project.
Integrated management of plant-parasitic nematodes in tree nurseries and potatoes with primed plants
...ul soil nematodes or nematodes in agricultural soils by using a more integrated approach (i.e. IPM, integrated pest management) and by aiming for a more general soil health? The field experiments p...
Sustainable management of yellowing viruses in sugar beet
...egrated control strategy for viral yellowing disease in sugar beet, based on a number of pillars of Integrated Pest Management: prevention, monitoring, biological aphid control, biological virus co...
Raising awareness about monitoring and controlling the boxwood moth (Cydalima perspectalis) in Flanders
Sustainable cultivation in container and open field using materials of local origin with enhanced microbial life and ready for use growers of ornamental plants
... of ornamentals are also now required to adapt crop protection schemes, with implementation of IPM (integrated pest management), such as the use of commercially available micro-organisms. This four...
Sustainable storage of grains by implementing a novel protectant and and versatile application technology
Smart Farming 4.0 – IN4.0 ready hyperspectral image processing platform for disease detection in agriculture and fruit growing
In-depth knowledge of soil pathogens in greenhouse soil offers opportunities for IPM
... European directives require the sustainable use of such treatments, and growers must rely on integrated pest management. But this requires knowledge about the identity and characteristics of the p...
...zaak (2014, Landbouwcentrum voor Voedergewassen) In deze brochure wordt het principe van IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in maïs besproken: preventieve maatregelen en het combineren van mechanisch...
How pests steal genes to neutralize plant toxins
74th International Symposium on Crop Protection
...tingen, Germany): “Sensors, robots and artificial intelligence for plant disease detection and integrated pest management" Further in the programme, papers allocated to the topics mentioned below ...
The use of bacteriophages to protect cabbage fields, horticulturists wanted
Environmentally friendly control boxwood moth
ILVO's Diagnosic Centre for Plants named the first European reference laboratory (EURL) for nematodes and bacteria
Bio-engineers from Ghent develop biological control of fruit flies
IPMWORKS shines at European Parliament Hearing on Sustainable Pesticide Use
IPMWORKS, a leading advocate for Integrated Pest Management (IPM), was granted a special invitation to the public hearing held at the European Parliament in Brussels on May 23rd. The event served as a...