...big downside of this. Fortunately, not all of the volatile fatty acids formed during carbohydrate digestion ultimately produce methane. The formation of the fatty acids acetic acid and butyric acid...
News | 31/01/2023
Research projects
... case of lower amounts of bulking agent) are feasible, and what are the possibilities for anaerobic digestion of the fine fraction of the green waste?The project also focuses on the changes...
Research projects
...rchers are delving into fundamental scientific questions around feed evaluation, rumen function and digestion. With that information, researchers in both Flanders and the Netherlands then set up ta...
Research projects
...e and other ruminants are the largest source of emissions in the agricultural sector, because their digestion releases methane. A great deal of ILVO’s climate research is therefore aimed at reducin...
...rious farm processesSpecialized research infrastructure
Experimental animal housing for in vivo digestion, feed and emissions trials> 200 ha trial fields and an extensive range of rolling fi...
... milk and meat. More recently, NIRS is being used in animal feces to evaluate feed intake and digestion efficiency.
10u45 The use of FT-IR in dairy companies – Hadewig Werbrouck (ILVO)For 2...
ILVO conducts management and feeding trials with piglets and fattening pigs and digestion trials on piglets and fattening pigs according to an optimized experimental design. Among other things, techni...
ILVO conducts management, feeding, digestion, and registration trials on laying hens, broilers, mother hens, turkeys, and rabbits (does & meat rabbits). This includes monitoring production results...
News | 12/05/2020
...than 10%, by washing them with fresh water and drying them. "Without this treatment, the chickens' digestion could be disrupted," says Marta Lourenço, poultry researcher at ILVO, "resulting in a de...
News | 05/10/2020
...lth of broilers
A healthy intestine efficiently digests the nutrients from feed. This efficient digestion results in rapid weight gain and a lower feed conversion (in the case of broilers, more...
News | 17/09/2018
... CO2 (26%). Cattle are the main source of methane in the sector - the gas is created during the digestion of (raw) feed in the rumen and is then emitted via the cow’s mouth.
Flemish Environment...
News | 01/02/2018>
ILVO has for the first time gathered hard figures for beef cattle on the principle that protein digestion in the rumen influences the amount of ammonia emissions. If you give heifers 2% less cr...
News | 01/05/2018
...other things, to process hydrogen gases generated during the fermentation of food ingested. If not, digestion would come to a complete halt. However, the hydrogen gas is converted by the methanogen...
News | 18/01/2021
.... Those are the results from the ILVO-study within the EKOPTI project. Heating is required for good digestion and also helps in storage.
veldbonen, foto Bodhi PeaceVeldbonen (Vicia faba) zijn e...
News | 24/08/2021
...ic rations and/or other fermented (grain) by-products, based on the same mechanisms in the animal's digestion. In addition, the project screens in vitro the potential of new feed raw materials for ...
News | 16/09/2022
...ibit nitrification (nitrogen formation) (biological nitrification inhibitors, BNIs) during ruminant digestion. The cow's nitrogen utilization thus improves when plantain is ingested, so less nitrog...
News | 05/09/2023
... adusted rations. Feeding beer draff and rapeseed meal to cows has a methane-inhibiting effect on digestion. Some feed supplements with a proven, large methane lowering effect. Replacing overseas s...
News | 22/12/2023
...t amino acids via supplements challenging.Enzymes: An amylase additive can stimulate starch digestion in the rumen, which was confirmed in this study. It is mainly of interest in rations wi...
News | 09/04/2024
...ler batches for more experimental cases also becomes easier, for example only 100 kg for a specific digestion study in poultry.
Annatachja De Grande, Feed Pilot project manager : "The plants w...
News | 04/06/2024
...rm biogas production with an electrical capacity of 40 kWh becomes profitable, mainly due to the co-digestion of carbon-rich ensiled roadside grass, which increases biogas yield. The payback period...