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Toward climate-smart agriculture and food production

...e and other ruminants are the largest source of emissions in the agricultural sector, because their digestion releases methane. A great deal of ILVO’s climate research is therefore aimed at reducin...


Poultry and rabbit farming

ILVO conducts management, feeding, digestion, and registration trials on laying hens, broilers, mother hens, turkeys, and rabbits (does & meat rabbits). This includes monitoring production results...


Feed Production

...rious farm processesSpecialized research infrastructure Experimental animal housing for in vivo digestion, feed and emissions trials> 200 ha trial fields and an extensive range of rolling fi...

News | 05/09/2023

Most climate-friendly milk comes from ... Flanders

... adusted rations. Feeding beer draff and rapeseed meal to cows has a methane-inhibiting effect on digestion. Some feed supplements with a proven, large methane lowering effect. Replacing overseas s...

News | 09/04/2024

ILVO builds high-tech Feed Pilot

...ler batches for more experimental cases also becomes easier, for example only 100 kg for a specific digestion study in poultry. Annatachja De Grande, Feed Pilot project manager : "The plants w...

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