Research project Dairy farmers wish to improve their economic resilience and operational decision-making


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General introduction

The Operational Group MELKTOOLS aims to improve the economic resilience of its member dairy farmers. The reason is the observation that the profitability of an average dairy farm in Flanders in the third quarter of 2020 dropped below the average of the previous 5 years. An ever-growing group of dairy farms is finding it more difficult to make ends meet financially during certain periods. The project intends to disseminate the findings to the entire dairy sector as well.

Research approach

We are creating a user-friendly web-based calculation tool that should enable an individual dairy farmer to make interim calculations on the key parameters that are most important for the sector. The tool must enable the farmer to make faster and more rational decisions in the operational field. After all, it is precisely these operational choices that determine the ultimate profitability. This tool is the missing link between all other tools or accounting packages that already exist.


We expect the economic resilience of the dairy farms involved to improve through the calculation tool and the crystal clear parameters that reflect operational and financial/economic position. This insight is expected to allow day-to-day choices to be made with more confidence and based on scientific foundations. And that leads to better financial results.


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