ILVO aims to share its research results as widely as possible within the agri-food sector and in society. Here you can find press releases, project news, videos, podcasts and publications published by ILVO, as well as articles and reports that have appeared in the media.
More than 200 farmers, policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders participated and provided input for a roadmap with concrete action points to make Flanders an enabling environment for agrofore...
For one in five of the professional farmers in Flanders and Brussels, at least 10% and on average a quarter of the acreage consists of public land. Total public land ownership in Flanders and Brussels...
VITO and ILVO have cast their collaboration in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). With this they commit to working together even more closely and strengthening each other's research in order to gene...
Boerenbond and the Dutch agricultural organization LTO commissioned ILVO and think tank Clingendael to conduct a study on the impact of European policies on the fertile delta.
Land is and remains one of the most essential factors of production in Flemish farms. Much more than ownership, access to land is essential for farmers in this regard. Above all, the long-term securit...
ILVO puts its expertise and knowledge in the field of AI applications and robotics in agriculture and food production at the disposal of the Flemish AI Research Program FAIR.
Simon Lox organises Farm Demonstration Networks, groups of 10 to 15 farmers who test new practices on their farms and then visit each other's farms to discuss.
Ghent's city museum STAM and ILVO are joining forces for the 'Gentse Gronden' expo. The exhibition exposes an unknown and intriguing chapter in the history of the city of Ghent.