Statement Screening of ammonia emission reduction measures for applicability in organic livestock production


This report was prepared as part of the project "Reduction of Ammonia Emissions in Organic Livestock Farming (RAMBIO)," funded by Flanders' Department of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries. The implementing partners are ILVO (coordination), Bioforum and Govaerts & Co. The aim of the project was to identify measures for ammonia reduction in pigs, poultry and goats that are in line with organic farming legislation, preferably source-oriented and fit into a systems approach. Examples include measures focused on animal management, bedding materials, enclosure design, etc.

To this end, the applicability of the legally recognized ammonia-reducing measures from conventional livestock farming for the organic sector was assessed. In addition, other ammonia-reducing measures not (yet) included in regulations were sought with the help of international scientific literature, contacts with foreign researchers, experiences from ongoing ILVO ammonia research and working groups with organic farmers. The assessment of applicability is based on (1) compatibility of the working principle of the measure with organic legislation (2) the results of emission measurements already carried out (3) the conditions around its application to ensure effectiveness and (4) practical feasibility.

After screening, a selection of ammonia-reducing measures was further explored through working groups with scientific and professional experts. The final conclusion around these deepened measures (probable potential of the measure and/or priority research questions) is shown in the report in the orange boxes.

To understand the effect of reducing measures, it is important to know the formation mechanisms for ammonia. Specific concerns around ammonia emissions in organic livestock are discussed. This is followed by general conclusions, including priority research questions according to experts.


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