Publication Annual report ILVO 2020

Annual report ILVO 2020
Annual report ILVO 2020

Indeed an unusual image on the front page of this annual report. Needless to say, 2020 was no ordinary year. A year in which 2/3 of the ILVO staff had to work permanently from home. For the third that continued to work in the labs, in the stables and on our trial fields, it was a year of wearing face masks, social distancing and constant hand disinfection while at work.

Research-wise, 2020 was a fruitful year. We worked on updating our research strategy under the heading '5G for agriculture and food'. In our case, the "G" in 5G stands for gezondheid; "health" in Dutch. ILVO is committed to 5x Health because, in addition to healthy agricultural production, we want to work on healthy processing, a healthy environment, healthy consumption and healthy socio-economic relationships. Again this year, a number of research projects were funded by various authorities, from municipalities to the European Union.

This annual report gives you a good overview. At the request of our supervising minister Hilde Crevits, a number of themes were given extra attention: new business models, the short chain, farmer well-being and protein diversification.

Enjoy your read!

> Annual report ILVO 2020


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