Event Webinar: for companies that develop ammonia sensors

Take part in the survey
ammonia sensor

Wanted: companies that develop sensors to measure NH3 emissions

Testing sensors in practice

A livestock house (pigs, poultry, dairy cattle) is a very challenging environment for measuring emissions. At the request of the Flemish government, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) is currently looking into the feasibility of measuring ammonia emissions continuously and at barn level, in order to eventually develop a more farm-oriented policy in the long term.

This call is addressed to manufacturers/developers of sensor systems

Any sensor on the market (also those for other applications or sectors) used to measure ammonia concentrations can be selected for a scientific PRACTICE TEST for application (with or without modification or optimization) within ammonia emission monitoring in livestock.

The focus is on monitoring emissions

The project aims to illustrate the feasibility of emissions monitoring at barn level in Flanders. The result of the project is a scenario analysis, which advises which sensors would be suitable in a certain scenario. The project offers the opportunity to test sensors in a practical setting and provides insight into the market potential of the sensor within the livestock industry.

Continuous emissions measurement at the local level

ILVO’s Environmental Engineering research team has more than 10 years of experience in measuring emissions (ammonia, dust, greenhouse gases, odor) from stables. Commissioned by the Flemish government, the team sets up measurement campaigns to determine emission factors from livestock houses. In addition, the team investigates the possibility of measuring emissions continuously at the barn level. This would contribute to a more correct estimation and follow-up of ammonia emissions at stable level.


An Verfaillie


+32 92 72 28 03

Do you want learn more and possibly set up a collaboration between ILVO and your company?

To introduce the project we invite you to this webinar. Where we will explain the project, the technical approach, the agreements around a collaboration, and the possible added value for you as a sensor developer.