Contact day Navigating Ecological Considerations and Sustainability in Mariculture Practices

Vlaams aquacultuursymposium 2024

On the 12th of December, 2024 EMBRC-BE and VAP organize a symposium that brings together various stakeholders including scientists, political, industrial and non-governmental parties to explore the horizon of ecological sustainable marine aquaculture, uncovering both its threats and opportunities.


9.00 h - Registration

9.30 h - Introduction

  • Welcome to Marifish - Sylvie Becaus (Marifish)
  • Introduction to aims of the day - Ann Vanreusel (Ugent, EMBRC-BE Director)
  • Vlaams Aquacultuur Platform - Stefan Teerlinck (Inagro)

10.00 h - Opening keynote

  • Prospects of seaweed cultivation and the opportunities of seaweed sustainable aquaculture - Philippe Potin (Sorbonne University)

10.30 h - Coffee break

11.00 h - Sustainable aquaculture in open sea

  • Offshore aquaculture in Belgian windparks, lessons learned from the UNITED and ULTFARMS projects - Jessica Knoop, Annelies Declercq, Olivier De Clerck (UGent)
  • The Belgian vision on sustainable aquaculture in the BPNS - Tine Miet Van Maele (Institute of Natural Sciences)
  • Coexistence of Mariculture and Fisheries: A Win-Win for All? - Jasper Van Vlasselaer (ILVO)
  • TBD - Eric Wakkee (OOS)

12.00 h - Land based aquaculture: a sustainable alternative for marine-based aquaculture?

  • Inshore aquaculture of marine molluscs as an alternative and sustainable source of animal proteins on salinized land - Katja Philippart (Nioz, Universiteit Utrecht)
  • Is land-based aquaculture pricing itself out of the marked despite its sustainable character? - Willy Verdonck (Belgian Caviar)
  • The BlueMarine³.Com project – multispecies nursery cultivation in RAS - Vincent Vermeylen (UGent)

12.45 h - Lunch

14.00 h - Restorative aquaculture

  • Feeding the future: Redefining Responsible Feed for Aquaculture - Maurane Martin Hernandez (Aquaculture Stewardship Council)
  • Adapting native oyster restoration to the scale of offshore energy development in the North Sea - Molly Hughes (UGent)
  • Artificial Hard Substrate Garden (AHSG) facilitates restorative aquaculture in Belgian marine environment - Wannes De Clercq (Institute of Natural Sciences)
  • Towards restorative aquaculture of flat oysters (Ostrea edulis) in northern Europe: a modeling approach - Brecht Stechele

15.00 h - Belgian initiatives in a context of ecological sustainable aquaculture

  • Ecological sustainability in financing aquaculture - Sofie Van Den Hende (Blauwe Cluster)
  • Environmental challenges related to cultivation of mussels in the North Sea - Donaat Mortelmans (Colruyt - Zeeboerderij)
  • Innovative monitoring of aquaculture - multibeam measurements to predict bivalve crops - Thomas Vandorpe (VLIZ)

15.45 h - Coffee break

16.15 h - Panel discussion

  • How to safeguard ecological sustainable mariculture in Belgium? - Moderator: Marijn Rabaut

17.00 h - Closing of the event

  • Belgian ambitions towards ecological considerations and sustainability in mariculture practices - Marijn Rabaut

17.15 h - Network reception